......... Leo Joshua Wiese!!! Our beautiful grandson was born yesterday at 9:09 p.m. He weighs 7 lb 9 oz and is 19 3/4" long. We couldn't be prouder of Erika, who worked very hard all day to produce this little miracle, and Josh, who heartily devoted himself to the coaching role of a lifetime. We are so pleased and proud that they chose our family surname to be their son's given name!
Jenni chronicled Erika's labor and delivery all day long on her blog, so if you'd like to read about it, go to http://www.thecribbies.blogspot.com. Here are a close up of little Leo, a picture of the happy Wiese family, and a little video clip of Leo getting checked in Erika's room, with Josh's mom Kit looking on. There are more photos on Flickr.