1. Zoey's playfulness and sly little grin when she's pretending to try to get away with something.
2. Ruby's huge dark eyes exploring her world.
3. Zoey melting my heart when she asks me to sing "Deep and Wide" to her.
4. Ruby's toothless grin.
5. Zoey's spontaneous praying and singing.
6. Ruby's sooooooooo soft skin and hair, and her chubby baby folds.
7. Zoey's love for her new baby sister.
8. Ruby's fascination with her big sister.
9. Zoey's amazing memory and rational sensibility beyond her years. (Wonder where she gets that?)
10. Ruby's sweet, heartbreaking cry......."Muh-waaaah!"
11. Both girls' sweet tenderness, and the loving bond they've already established with their Grammy and Papa.
Have a wonderful summer, my sweet angels. Have so much fun, but hurry home to us in August! Grammy and Papa love you so, so much.