1. Zoey's playfulness and sly little grin when she's pretending to try to get away with something.
2. Ruby's huge dark eyes exploring her world.
3. Zoey melting my heart when she asks me to sing "Deep and Wide" to her.
4. Ruby's toothless grin.
5. Zoey's spontaneous praying and singing.
6. Ruby's sooooooooo soft skin and hair, and her chubby baby folds.
7. Zoey's love for her new baby sister.
8. Ruby's fascination with her big sister.
9. Zoey's amazing memory and rational sensibility beyond her years. (Wonder where she gets that?)
10. Ruby's sweet, heartbreaking cry......."Muh-waaaah!"
11. Both girls' sweet tenderness, and the loving bond they've already established with their Grammy and Papa.
Have a wonderful summer, my sweet angels. Have so much fun, but hurry home to us in August! Grammy and Papa love you so, so much.
Thanks for the tear bucket Mo. Way to make Auntie Alix swoon and weep and feel like the world is ending for a couple months.
I love you sister. You are the mold that I want to fit always.
Your awesome (I mean alsome) tenderness of heart, boldness of spirit, and ginormous love (Larry said I could use "his word") are miracles and precious to me in so many different ways.
I know you are going to miss Jenni and Dave and Zoey and Ruby - but - methinks, Erika and Josh and Leo will keep you happy and entertained until they return.
I love you all so very much. My heart is with you in Dallas and Missouri and all places in between!
Can't wait see you and play with you and Tony in July.
Counting the days...
Great pictures and some very cute children!
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