Thursday, August 19, 2010

Siwwy wabbit! Pools are for kids!!

I wescued a wabbit from our pool this morning.  It all happened so quickly, and the little guy was really waterlogged.  I hope he makes it.  Millie and I were out back, checking on plants and things.  Millie likes to think she's a great rabbit hunter.  She sniffed around as usual, and this time her diligence was rewarded.  A bunny shot out of the plants and right into the water.  It started swimming frantically around the perimeter of the pool, with Millie following above.  She refuses to get into the pool, which is probably a good thing for the rabbit.  I ran to get the leaf skimmer, but every time I scooped the bunny, it jumped back into the water.  I could see it was starting to get very tired and I didn't know how to save it, so I did what I always do in a panic situation: screamed for Tony. 

He heard me through the closed doors, windows, and walls.  Just as he came out of the house, the bunny slipped into one of the skimmers, but it was out of reach.  I was just about ready to jump in, fully clothed, when Tony lifted the lid from the skimmer, and the bunny saw the opening and hopped out, scurrying through the plants and out into the alley.  I'm really hoping it's okay.

We have a ton of wild bunnies in our neighborhood, a phenomenon that began about 5 years ago.  Every year there are more, and they nest in shrubs where they continue to reproduce.  I think they're adorable, Tony considers them a nuisance, and Millie loves to fantasize about chasing them.  I knew we had at least one out by the pool because I see it moving from plant to plant when I'm working outside, but this is the first time I've been aware rabbits can swim.  I wonder if this one will come back, or if it will find a new home?  Either way, it has lots of friends, so I can just about guarantee this won't be our last wabbit wescue.


Li said...

If bunnies can swim why did it need rescuing? Just sayin'. You are so much like me. Total Polack. I dived in to rescue Arthur twice last year during the winter, once in uniform and once in fleece jammies. Both times I could have leaned over and scooped him out. It was cooooold too. Duh!

Mo said...

He could swim, but he couldn't get out by himself. And he was getting so tired. His little body was sinking in the water. He made at least 2 complete circuits around the perimeter of the pool. I was afraid to try to scoop him by hand because he might have bitten me. Hence the net. But he kept hopping out. Only when Tony took the cover off the skimmer basket (the one that's flush with the sidewalk) did he climb onto the edge of the basket and leap out. I felt so helpless because it really looked like he was going to die, and I couldn't save him.

Li said...

Poor little guy. Now I feel bad.

Jodie said...

Awww !!! That is so cute. Glad he got out safely. I would have been right in the pool with you. Maybe with all the heat you have had it felt good to him.