Friday, August 13, 2010

Zoey and Ruby are home!!!

After being away at Kanakuk Kamps K-7 all summer, Jenni, Dave, Zoey, and Ruby came home last night.  We had made plans for them to come over and spend the day today, along with Erika and Leo.  Grammy and Papa were going to make lunch, and then we were going to swim and get pizza for supper after naps.  This morning Erika called to tell us Leo had a fever and was droopy.  Poor little guy.  So plan A was scrapped, and plan B became all of the above sans the Wiese trio.  Bummer!  Jenni did bring the girls over and we did end up having a marvelous day together.  Tony and I weren't sure how the girls would respond to us after the 3-month separation, but it turns out we had nothing to worry about.  Ruby, now 17 months old, was a little shy at first, but Zoey, 3 1/2, sprang out of the car and leapt into my arms, clinging to me like a little tree frog!  It was so precious, especially because Zoey is not a particularly cuddly child, mainly because she's almost always in perpetual motion.  We had a great time getting reacquainted.  The girls (and their 4-months-pregnant mom) took good naps, and shortly after they awakened, their dad arrived from his first day back at school.  We all had about an hour of fun in the pool, then we had supper together.  When it was time for the Cribbies to head for home, Zoey burst into tears and wanted to stay.  That was a first!  Once she was comforted and back to her cheery self, I snapped the photo above.  Precious girls!  I already miss them and want them back soon. We'll have a redo of today as soon as Leo is over his bug.  Welcome home, Cribbies!!  It's great having the family all back in town again.

1 comment:

Casa Hice said...

Yessss! Welcome home Cribbies, and equally important... get well soon little Leo!

How sweet that Zoey was sad to leave. She loves her Grammy and Papa!