Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I've enjoyed riding bikes all my life.  When I was in elementary school in upstate New York, I had a "big girl bike" named Lightning that I loved to ride around the neighborhood, pretending she was my horse.  Here in Texas, springs and autumns are perfect for bicycling; in another couple of weeks the trails will be full of bikers anxious to move their legs again after imposed dormancy caused by the  brutal summer heat.

Last year, though, I had a fall that prompted Tony to encourage me not to bike anymore.  I was riding to Curves as I enjoy doing when the weather cooperates, and a pedestrian was approaching on the path.  I always move out of the way to give pedestrians clear passage, so I carefully moved onto the grass to let the man pass.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize the lawn sprinklers had recently activated, and the grass was wet and slick.  Down I went, in slow motion as such disasters seem to occur, tumbling into a mess of muddy Mona and metal.  There were scrapes, bruises, and some lingering soreness, but thankfully I wasn't badly injured.  Still, it was a wake-up call.  We put the bike away to decide its fate.

A few weeks ago while walking Millie I saw a couple of women my age riding 3-wheeled bikes, and an idea was planted.  Until recently I hadn't even considered a "big girl trike" because, after all, MY MOTHER RIDES ONE!!  She's almost 86, and I thought adult trikes were strictly for older seniors.  Heck, we used to see them all over when we lived in Boca Raton (retirement capital of the world), and THOSE PEOPLE were REALLY OLD!!  But seeing these two happy, classy, nice-looking ladies on trikes in my neighborhood changed my mind in a flash.  I presented the idea to Tony, who was on board instantly.  We started researching adult tricycles and decided on a 3-speed Miami Sun, which we ordered and picked up a week ago.  Coincidentally, we had a couple of cool-ish mornings (just a tease, it turns out, because a week later we were back in triple digits, or "triplits", as I like to call them), so I was able to try out my new toy a few times.  But it won't be long before the mornings are fresh and cool on a more consistent basis.
Now I just need to think of a name for the trike.  At age 62, I just don't think Lightning is going to cut it.  Any suggestions? 
Incidentally, one of my siblings--if you know me at all you'll easily guess which one ;-) --thinks I've prematurely entered old f**tdom, but truthfully I'm very content in my skin at this age.  There have been numerous embarrassing moments in my life that have served to etch away any remaining vestiges of self consciousness--including pushing out two babies without any drugs or anesthesia and lots of yelling--so looking less than cool doesn't cramp my style.  I love riding and being outdoors, even if it does take 3 wheels to get rolling again. 

So look out, folks!  Here she comes!!  Uh-huh!!!  (double fist pump) 
Eat your heart out, Margaret Hamilton.

"32 days til Baby Cribby is due!"

**Next up: Labor Day swimming fun with the whole family!  Check back September 26!

And watch soon for my coming post which will follow a very eagerly anticipated trip to Disney World Oct. 5-8.  Some long-time favorite high school girlfriends are meeting for a weekend of fun at the EPCOT International Food and Wine Festival, and I'm sure there will be lots of pictures to post when I get home.  Don't look for any shred of self consciousness here, either!


Jodie said...

I love your bike also and the two nice sized baskets. You look great on it. Since you are no longer quick as lightning how about slow as Molasses? Then you both can be Mo !!

lisa said...

Hi, mom!

Alix said...

I got the perfect name for your new trike....

How about "Slo-Mo?" Hahahahah!!

Love it. Enjoy your new ride.

Alix said...

OMG! Just read Jodie's comment. She beat me to the punchline as usual.

Mo said...

Erika's suggestion on Facebook is the winner! She said as long as I'm the silver fox riding it, the trike's name should be "Foxy". I'm looking for a glittery mini license plate to hang on the back of my seat.

ps: Shut up, Li!! ;-)

craftyles said...

Hi Mo,
Thanks for your sweet comment about Max. It came up kind of suddenly-he got a wierd form of pneumonia and we had to put him down. I'm trying to get over it as best as I can. I love your new bike. I know you'll have a blast on it. Say hi to Tony and yes let's gettogether for lunch soon!